The Mac App Store’s Best Budgeting Apps

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Keeping track of your budgets has never been easier with the myriad of financial planning apps available in the iTunes store. Whether you are budgeting for a specific event, the future or just simply trying to spend smarter, there’s an app for you. Here is a list of ten budgeting apps to get you started on your way to financial freedom (all prices in USD).

1. Smart Shopping List A LA CARTE (Decimal Software, LLC) Free


This shopping app allows you to organize and manage your lists, email your shopping lists to anyone with an email address and the ability to tailor your shopping lists to a set budgeting planning.

2. Money Buddy (Rich Life Solutions) $4.99


With Money Buddy, you can keep track of where your money is going, learn about smart money handling and analyze how you are managing your finances.

3. HomeCashFlow (Moises Sequeira) $0.99


By listing all sources of income and inputting your monthly expenses, you can both track money coming in and money going out. The best feature of this application is its ability to project your future savings based on your current rate of spending.

4. Project Achiever (B Johnson & E.J. McRae) $3.9


One of the most useful applications for saving, the Project Achiever allows you to capture a planned budget and then follow the money spent as your project begins. The app is great for both businesses and those planning a major event.

5. Be Debt Free (PicsAlive) $3.99


Input your debt into the app and it will help you save money by showing you the different payment methods and how they will benefit you (or not!). After all of your data is added to the app it will give you an estimated ‘Debt Free’ date.

6. Simple Budgets (Patrick Holt) $1.99


The app was designed for the business traveler but has found a fan base among everyday users. When traveling on an expense account, the app allows the user to track billable and non-billable items and put expenses into selected categories for easy organization. Non-business users find the app useful for organizing and maintaining household budgets.

7. The Wise Investor Show App ( Free


Listen to the most current episodes of the Wise Investor Show and find past episodes as well. The show provides perspective and analysis of the stock market, personal finance and the nation’s economy. The show is full of useful advice for both the seasoned investor and those thinking of delving into the market for the first time.

8. You Need a Budget (YNAB) $4.99


The useful app lets users input and track budgets by category and sync information with YNAB for the home computer. Budgets in the various categories can be checked before you decide to make a purchase; maybe you can’t afford that new pair of shoes after all!

9. My Student Budget Planner (Palgrave Macmillan) Free


Perfect for the college student on the go, the budget planner allows you to track your incoming and outgoing monies with ease. The application recalculates weekly so you can manage your most current budget.

10. Budget iQ (3PYX) $0.99


An easy to use app, Budget iQ lets the user input incoming and outgoing expenses like other budget apps but also provides daily challenges that make saving money seem like a game. Purchase simulations will allow users to see how buying that new item will affect their budget and future financial status.

Do you know more application for maintaining the budgets, you can share with us via comments below.


Vishal Gaikar

Article by Vishal

Meet Vishal Gaikar, the tech wizard hailing from Pune, India, who's on a mission to decode the digital universe one blog post at a time. When he's not tinkering with gadgets or diving deep into the digital realm, you can find him concocting the perfect cup of chai or plotting his next adventure. Follow his tech escapades on Twitter and buckle up for a wild ride through the world of innovation and geekery!

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