Windows 8 Consumer Preview Hits One Million Downloads

Windows 8 Consumer Preview, one the very first day, hits 1 million downloads. This information reveals by @BuildWindows8 official Twitter account.  They announced that Windows 8 Consumer Preview reached one million downloads over the first day.

It is an impressive figure considering that since Windows 95 there was much anticipation for the radical change and passing the graphical interface 100 000 by modifications to the source between the Developer and the Consumer Preview.


It is recalled that Windows 8 is still under development and may see more betas until it enters into the Release To Manufacturing (RTM). Also, Microsoft is betting heavily that the interface is key to Metro transition teams represented by ARM or Intel processor with no legacy code . And this could take several years, considering that Windows XP is still present, especially in older PCs.

It is likely that the Windows 8 Consumer Preview million downloads reach another tomorrow or on subsequent days. For now, the controversy will surround the operating system, mainly by the absence of the Start button.

Did you download Windows 8?  If so, what do you think about this release ? You can download Windows 8 Consumer Preview from the Microsoft’s official webpage. Find the link below to download Windows 8 Consumer Preview. 2 ISO images are available in 64-bit  and 32-bit versions with the download size as 3.3GB file and the other as a 2.5GB ISO file. The product key (DNJXJ-7XBW8-2378T-X22TX-BKG7J) works universally on Windows 8 CP regardless of the language.

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