5 Most Anticipated Gadgets To Be Released Late 2012-Early 2013

Here is the list of Gadgets To Be Released Late 2012-Early 2013. So far in 2012, we’ve already seen the release of the iPhone 5, Google’s Nexus 4 smartphone, the iPad mini and PlayStation Vita. Can it get any better? For gadget lovers, it just might. The end of 2012 and early 2013 promise several hotly anticipated electronic toys, ranging from the latest smartphones to must-have tablets.

Here are 5 upcoming gadgets and their anticipated release dates.

1. Nintendo Wii U | Anticipated Release Date: Nov. 18, 2012

Get ready for the latest personal game console. The high-definition Wii U hits stores later this month, offering games, music, movies and more. You no longer have to settle for playing Wii around the living room television. That’s not the best news, however. The best news is that the Wii U features a touch screen controller, known as the GamePad, which will introduce a whole new style of play for gamers.

The Wii U is expected to cost between $300 and $350, depending on the package chosen. Users will be able use the device to stream video and buy games online. Included with the Wii U is a microphone, a secondary pro controller and a complimentary game.

2. Microsoft Surface Pro Tablet | Anticipated Release Date: January 2013

While Microsoft has remained hush-hush on exactly when the Surface Pro will arrive in stores, technology magazines anticipate it will be released within the next two months. Featuring a Windows 8 operating system, the tablet will come in 64-GB and 128-GB models, with prices expected to range from $900 to $1,200.

This pro version of the Surface is expected to be more powerful and include more software and tablet apps than the recently released Surface RT version, which didn’t even have the Windows Media Player.

While featuring the same size and aesthetics of the RT model, the Surface Pro will offer double the memory (4 GB), a heavier weight (2 pounds instead of 1.5 pounds), more storage and an Intel Core i5 processor instead of the old Nvidia Tegra 3.

3. iPad Mini Retina | Anticipated Release Date: possibly first quarter of 2013


Apple’s signature liquid crystal display, known as the Retina, is finally coming to the iPad Mini, with a release expected sometime in 2013. The high-definition display will make reading easier on the small device; buyers of the new iPad Mini have complained about low-grade reading due to grainy text and images. This upgrade allows the Apple device to better compete with dedicated readers, such as the Amazon Kindle.

4. Samsung Galaxy S4 | Anticipated Release Date: February/March 2013

Samsung Galaxy S4 mwc 2013

Samsung will soon upgrade its popular Galaxy phone to the S4 model, set to debut in early 2013. Featuring an oversized 5-inch screen, the smartphone is expected to be super thin due to its use of a high-definition and light-weight OLED display. The keyboard-less phone will have a trio of soft buttons and use the brand-new Android 4.2 Key Lime operating system.

Specifics on the processor and memory haven’t been released; however, tech experts theorize that the Galaxy S4 will at least boast 2GB of RAM and rely on Samsung’s recently launched Exynos 5 dual core processor.

5. Sony C650X Odin Smartphone | Anticipated Release Date: Early 2013

If the rumors are true, Sony plans to roll out a new Android-based phatablet (a cross between a smartphone and a tablet), tentatively dubbed the Odin, in early 2013. Leaked pictures of the phone seem to show an uncluttered wide and thin edge-to-edge display. Tech professionals are expecting the multi-touch phone to feature a 5-inch screen, 2GB of RAM and a Snapdragon S4 processor.

Other long-anticpated gadgets coming out in 2013 include the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox 720. Don’t get your hopes high too soon, though; both are rumored to be delayed until the tail end of the year, possibly hitting stores by Christmas of 2013. In the meantime, PlayStation is doing a countdown for the PS4 on its official site.

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