Windows 8- Another crock on the way

Microsoft has a rather interesting way of developing new operating systems. The next system, Windows 8, has been under development for several years. After the Vista debacle, and the global screeches of outrage, it has to be wondered if Windows 8 is going to be another epic of developer-based insularity, or a working system. The general criticism is that Microsoft is paying more attention to development spruikers than the public. If you were using SEO to track the debate, the keywords would be Microsoft marketing.

The world’s biggest and arguably until recently most popular supplier has dropped the ball badly with its profile. Vista made it look like it was anti-consumer, and the various woes of Internet Explorer 8 and 9 have made it look uninterested in the virtually endless performance and security gripes from business, industry, the German government, and consumers.

The irony is that Windows 8, according to rumors, could be a major redemption for Microsoft, and is showing some potential for real innovation and improved capacity. One of the primary rumors is a 128 bit architecture, which could be a major breakthrough, getting out of the 32/64 bit mode into a truly versatile, highly adaptable mode. 128 bits would be a huge boost for streaming, media, gaming, and even basic functions.

Whether the market is likely to be receptive to a technical achievement of this kind is debatable. Some consumers won’t understand it, and the experts will be cautious, waiting for issues. Some hard sell will be required, but Microsoft’s eroded profile will also need a lot of work.

The “Another Crock” factor

The sheer destructive power of Vista on the image of a previously unassailable Microsoft has been overstated- to a point. Vista had not one, but three hard acts to follow in Windows 95, 98 and XP. These were trusted systems, well understood, and they were replaced by a system which was seen as actively hostile to consumers, as well as expensive. Search engine optimization for journalists was easy- Microsoft Vista complaints.

To avoid crock status, Windows 8 will need to reassert Microsoft’s ability to provide good, straightforward, no-fuss operating systems.

So far, the rest of the range of new features is predictable:

  • Touch screen capacity- Synonym for “Yeah, and….?” among experts. See Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts.
  • Rumors of a tablet PC- Synonym for “If Apple can do it we can do it,” unimpressive.
  • Graphics upgrades- In fairness, the new graphics are looking good, but owning a computer isn’t all about graphics.

To be categorized as a non-crock, Windows 8 needs:

  • Easy install on any computer
  • Will run anything from any previous OS.
  • 128 bit architecture and multicore options spelled out for people with old computers.
  • Less cute, more boot, in terms of functionality.
  • Efficient and idiot-proof file management
  • Good hard disk recovery capacity.
  • Good security, but not overblown or obstructive.
  • Read 10 Ways To Speed Up Your Personal Computer

Please, Microsoft, keep it simple. The capabilities of 128 bit architecture would be enough of an incentive to buy Windows 8 if properly demonstrated. It doesn’t need to be fancy, just do the job properly. A great product is one everyone can use, not an obstacle course.

  1. Live news, Windows 8 should be with us in two years. One of Microsofts subsidiary companies leaked out the awaited issue date over the weekend. Lets trust it follows the Windows 7 evolution process.We do not want to get another Vista debacle

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