How to Enable the New Facebook Timeline

Facebook, the famous social network with 800 million members, unveiled a major update of the profile, as everyone calls it a Facebook Timeline. Facebook Timeline is an important feature that is going to change the entire facebook experience here after.

How to enable Facebook Timeline :

Step 1: First, log in Facebook

Step 2:  You will need to enable developer mode if you haven’t already. Simply type “Developer” in the search box and click on the top result. Or Enable developer mode via this link.

Step 3: Click ‘Create New App‘ in the top right, provide a display name, app namespace and click “Continue”. Don’t worry, here you can provide any names.

Step 4: Now you will be taken to your app’s main settings page. On the left sidebar, click the “Open Graph” link.

You have to enter the action and object in order create a test action for your app, like “watch” a “movie” or “read” a book” or “eat” a “sandwich”.

Step 5: On the next page you’re presented with a form. Ignore all of this scroll down and click through each page.

Step 6: After processing that, Facebook will flip back to the Open Graph page but you can now ignore all of that and open a new tab and go back to your Facebook profile.

And you’re done! An invite to try Timeline should be waiting at the top of the page. Once you click on Get It Now, you will then be redirected to your new Timeline. Your Timeline is private, by default, for the time being. You can either edit it until you are ready to publish it.

Let us know in the comments if you have any problems getting the timeline page, we will help you to get the new facebook timeline.

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