Top 5 Apps for iPhone 4S

Which is the most discussed smartphone at the moment? Right, it’s the new iPhone 4S that hit the market only a couple of weeks ago, coming with a number of new features and updated specs.

Everyone wants to know more about Apple’s new smartphone now and to find out if it can win in a fair fight against the best smartphones available in the market.And of course, everyone wants to learn how and with the help of which apps they can benefit most from the new features of the iPhone 4S.

The new Apple iPhone 4S comes with a number of built-in applications that are very useful and interesting; the App Store also offers lots of great apps, and many of them will really help you benefit from the advanced features of your new phone (if you’ve already bought an iPhone 4S, of course… if no, maybe you should hurry and get it?).

The only problem is – there are too many of those great apps, and it will take much time to test most of them and sort out the best ones.

Top 5 Apps for iPhone 4S

So I decided to choose the best and the most useful apps you can use on your iPhone 4S for you. And here they are:

1. MotionX GPS drive HD

Best navigation app. Many iPhone users agree thatMotionX GPS drive HD is one of the most reliable navigation programs ever, equipped with good maps, a huge database, voice announcements and a number of other useful features.

Plus its latest version is compatible with the new iOS 5 (and some new iOS 5-specific features have been added, like the Twitter integration) – what can be better? The app costs $2.99 and is 12.8MB.

2. iMovies

Best video app.If you like taking pics and shooting videos with your new iPhone 4S’s 8MP camera, iMovies can help you easily create a movie out of all those videos and photos, adding music and different sound effects.The app is designed for iOS 5 and needs a powerful processor to run smoothly, so it’s great for the new iPhone 4S. You can get this app from the App Store for $4.99, and its size is 69.4MB.

3. Pocket Yoga HD

Best sports app. If you like yoga but have no time or wish to visit yoga classes, this app will help you practice at home – with the detailed pics of 140 available poses and audio instructions this application offers it won’t be a problem at all. In the App Store the app costs $3.99 and weighs 19.0MB.

4. iTunes Movie Trailer

Best movie app. If you like watching movies, this free app will help you find new movies to watch – it offers a number of movie trailers, plus you can use it to find theaters showing the movie you liked and buy tickets.

5. Angry Birds HD for iPhone 4S

Best game app. Every list of best apps includes at least one game, and here is the game of our list – Angry Birds HD. To tell the truth, first I wanted to include one of my famous RPGs here, but then remembered that Angry Birds is the most favorite game of lots of smartphone users at the moment, so perhaps it was a better idea to write about it.

The game will look great on the cool and clear screen of the iPhone 4S and it will run really fast on the powerful processor of Apple’s new phone.

All these apps are already tested by me and my friends on our new iPhones, and they’re working really well. So if you’re looking for some good apps to run smoothly on the Apple iPhone 4S, here they are!

If you know more Top 10 iPhone 4S Apps or iPhone 4S Applications then you can share with us. If you think you can add more Good Apps for iPhone 4S then comment below.

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