Logotype Creator : Create a Free Unique Logo For Your Website

Logotype Creator is the new web service to create free logos. Many times we need a unique and creative logo for our website or our company. If you do not want to complicate your life looking for a good design then you can visit the Logotype Creator website, a website that let you create a unique logo automatically. Despite having few designs for free, has an editor with which you can do good things, we can add text, resize, color, shapes, add effects, etc.

Once you have your logo ready, simply download the logo, we can easily adjust the size we need and we download to our computer. The format used is PNG which is widely used and flexible.

Logotype Creator

Logotype Creator comes with an intuitive interface which offers you a rich collection of artwork and typefaces, which will all be used to create attractive unique and classic logos. The website generates a large collection of logos randomly, so that all you have to do is hit the Generate logo Now button. Once you have created your desired logo, you can use the Download option to save them in premium quality to your local system, all for free!

Logotype Creator

Despite having only three free logos , these vary, so if you do not like one, simply re-created the logo and see the images change, the application is not very powerful but it helps you to create some fantastic logos.

Logotype Creator is an easy-to-use logo designing tool that lets you create amazing and unique logos. This service is free, and does not require any registration.

Logotype Creator

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