Effective Ways to Promote your Blog Post

Today I am going to share some tips which will help you in promoting your blog post. Just writing the articles on the blogs is not blogging, but sharing them with the world, promoting them is what matters. Have a look to the some of the following effective ways to Promote your Blog Post.

promote blog post

Arouse lasting interest in people

Bloggers by nature like to write. They want to share their thoughts, their ideas and mostly their opinions about the events and things in their life. Sure, a cross section of the entire online community may be interested in what is said, because they are in a similar situation. A starting interest is your ticket to building a lasting fellowship. Look to expand your interest in as many areas as possible, right from the macro aspects of life to the micro and more intricate aspects.

Write originally, informatively and simply

Over the past hundred years, originality has been the hallmark of a lasting product. The same is being proved for Services. Blogging can be considered under the services sector – the service of informing those who have a thirst for more than the newspaper. This information rendered is not at a political, pan nation level, but at a more personal level, affecting the everyday life of a man.

For example, reviews of technological devices will interest a student, but the socio-economic derivations because of such devices will be of interest to a physiologist. Above all, writing in simple language which can reach across borders and culture will help you achieve a global following

Water hole mindset

Have you seen the daily water drinking habits of elephants? They live in smaller herds across the length and breadth of a terrain or mountain. Two times a day, all the herds travel to the one, centrally present water hole to quench their thirst.

Similarly, look to position your blogs in an e-central location. Centrality could mean popular blogging sites or specialty sites. Once you have a fair idea of where to start, you must look to blog in a way that is a promotion by word of mouth or recommendation or likes or sharing. When it comes to a commonality of interest, readers will be sure to share what they have found. Inherently, everyone wants to share their thoughts and they also want to know that what they have shared is of value.

Use technology to your advantage

Invite feedback aggressively, in all ways possible. Along with an open feedback system, try to incorporate a graded feedback. Apart from getting an instant evaluation over time you will be able to comparatively know where you stand as a blogger. Take the statistics and feedback seriously and work towards bettering it.

The other technological advantage to leverage is search engines. They do have a role to play in bringing your blog to the forefront. Search engines have an inbuilt system to search for new and interesting stuff. By keeping a genuine strategy to talk about your thoughts, search engines will pick up on you and bring you higher up in the search rankings.

Learn from your competition

Look around and observe what other bloggers write and how they position themselves. Ideas come from the least expected sources. Watch out, for your next big thought or motivation may come from your competition!

If you know more ways to Promote your Blog Post then share with us via comments below.

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