Affordable Dedicated Server Hosting is Now Possible

When you start you own website, the files needs to live somewhere. When we buy hosting space from a company, what you get is a place where you keep your files. Shared hosting is a great entry point for startups. Several websites resides on a single server, sharing resources with each other.

Dedicated Server Hosting

Though it is cheap but comes with severe compromises. Especially in the area of security and performance. When your website starts to grow, what you need is a affordable dedicated server hosting.

Find below the best Benefits of Dedicated server hosting to your business –

1. Great Performance

The biggest advantage of using a dedicated hosting is the improvement in performance. System resources such as processor power, disk space, memory etc is dedicated for a single website and can handle increase in server load much better than the shared hosting servers..

2. Reliability

Since your website has the access to all the resources of the server, it provides faster performance, more uptime and better handling of traffic.

3. Better security

Your dedicated server is your own. There is no other user who have access to the server. It means increases in the server reliability and decrease in the security vulnerability.

4. Custom configuration

Many a times, you might need special software or configuration for your server, depending on your varying needs. Creating custom configuration according to your own special server requirement is not possible on a shared server, but on dedicated server.

You can install, run and offer your own unique software and scripts without asking of any special permission from your system administrator. After all it is your own server.

5. Custom firewall

To enforce your own access control policy, you need to run your own custom firewall. While shared hosting server adds restriction to it, dedicated server has no such limitations and you can always implement your own firewall policy.

6. Dedicated IP address

Less downtime, own private SSL certificate, remote access and ability to run an FTP server are some of the direct benefits of having your own IP address.

7. Option for upgradation

In your dedicated server, you can always add more memory, disk space or extra processes, as the need arises. This typically means unlimited web hosting and power for your websites and applications.

A question might arise that, with so many benefits, which a dedicated server brings to the table, why don’t everybody go for a dedicated web hosting solution. The answer is ‘COST’. Dedicated web hosting used to be costly and hence companies choose them, only when they are sure about the return on investment.But not anymore.

Affordable dedicated web hosting is now possible by Serverclub

ServerClub is a dedicated server providers registered to the Florida-based company ServerClub Inc. The company was initially founded so that they could ensure the highest quality dedicated web hosting facilities for their own company. But eventually the system which they have created worked so well, that they starts inviting the public to join the club.

They provides dedicated server solutions at affordable costs. Dell R210 SATA,Dell R210 SAS,Dell 860,Supermicro DT-I3 are just some of the options from the wide array of dedicated servers they provide. With instant setup and low affordable pricing, Serverclub is now empowering businesses to choose dedicated servers as their default choice.

Dedicated server hosting provides benefits which shared hosting can never offer. With ServerClub you can get unlimited web hosting at affordable cost.

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