Important Guidelines for Web Designers on using Web Safe Fonts

For web designers, there are very limited fonts available, which can be used in the sites. But using different fonts are possible in the websites. But the user cannot see if they have not installed the other fonts in their system. If they do not have the fonts in their system, then they can only see the fallback font and the page will look totally different from what is expected.

web safe fonts

Sometimes it can even break the layout. But you can obviously use bold and italics. You can even underline or over line the font, but it can create confusion in the viewer’s mind.

Correct Use of Font

Sometimes many people get confused with the underlined article as hyperlink. Letter spacing must be done according to the length of the paragraph. Many people use texts with small caps, but it is not at all reliable. So it is advised to all the web designers to use small caps as an optional style, but they must not rely on it.

You can even use different fonts but only by rendering them with graphics. But still other fonts are not recommended because it takes more time to load and also less accessible.

You can use different font text in the background graphic in which text can be overlaid. Some people even use comic sans, but it is very unpopular font. Comic sans even referred as childish and tacky. This font can be used in kid’s site like toy site, kids clothing site, or else it must be avoided.

From last few years, the possibility of typing in the web has been increased enormously. Designer has been restricted themselves to some fonts that mean you can open any site, and you will only find same designs of content.

Using Different Font

You can see almost same kind of designs in all sites. There are images with same fonts type and size only changes. It is very dissatisfying for the designers. It also creates a problem for the reader and also in the browser. Nowadays you can get different typefaces, which you can use in your sites and even bring aesthetics design in the web. You can get typeface in the major websites.

Many websites have led technical revolution in their websites by using different fonts in their sites. There are many rises of different web hosting services.

Enormous Web Fonts

Text on your website will be compared with other texts of other website. Space between the lines can create very importance in the readability of the content. It is one of the invaluable tools like font. Sometimes even good leading can make worst looking font readable. Even it is very easy to implement.

You can even assign space between the lines easily. Generally text size must be of great size. Smaller text must be tighter, and big texts must have more space. It is not at all complicated. Tracking is also very much important. It is a space between the characters of the text.

Tracking of Fonts

In typography CSS does not have huge control in a website. But nowadays CSS are very much in demand. Usually small text is not at all an issue, but you cannot use titles in small text. You can add letter spacing from 1px to 2px it will not affect anything. But tracking in small caps or character can affect a website.


You cannot add much space between the characters, and then it will look horrible in the content. If you add extra pixel in between the characters, it will appear larger in the content.

Color of the Content

Color is a very important part of a website. It is not about color schemes, but about the contrasts which will help the reader to read the content of the site. You can use black text on a white background or vice versa, it will help the reader to understand the content very easily. But it is absolutely not compulsory to use only black and white, you can use any color according to your wish.

You just have to keep the color combination in mind. If the background color is light, then you must use dark color in the text and same for vice versa.

Grid System for Your Website

Color choice must not be like; it is going to bite your eye. Even using a grid system is also very important. You can use great fonts, colors and spacing in your website. But the layout is very important. You can use comic sans. When you are designing, the type must show a geometrical structure and balance in your design.

You can beautify with the help of grid. The indicator must be large and small. Grid also helps to create a balance of text, images, designs, and many more. Typography helps you to get readable results. Also read- 5 Important Things to Know about Typography for Your Website.

You can make unique font by graphics, but fonts are generally same in typography. When you can choose typeface you must according to the need of the website. You can use all fonts. The fonts are the attention grabbing for the websites. Fonts must be subtle and classy and must have a unique design and logo.

You can get big logo as the content. You can do the same for getting an attractive look. You must replace all the meaningless texts. You must make great web design, and also you must have an elaborated background.

You can understand from the article that you must have a website which has normal fonts in with attractive content, color, and title. You can get a beautiful website after creating the sites with proper content. Content is the one which describes the product and services of the company. So the content must be always readable. You cannot put any wrong and uninformative details in it.

Title, color, layout and many more help your website to grow. So it is very important to think about all the details of the website. You must also take care of the font size and types of the article.

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