5 Social Media Sites to Boost Your Blog

Despite its relatively new place on the communications landscape, blogging continues to evolve. As more and more writers get on board, furthering personal and professional goals, they require new approaches to get through to readers.


Early-on, engaging content was really all that was needed to spark interest and lure traffic, but changing Web habits and increased blog saturation are responsible for shifts in the way surfers digest posts.

Social media provides yet another resource for bloggers looking to boost traffic and raise awareness about their content. Major platforms are increasingly used to boost blogs, as well as niche sites, which target specific audiences for bloggers. Moving into 2014, savvy bloggers take to social media sites like these to spread their messages.


Bloggers benefit from Twitter in more than one way. For example, to raise awareness about your blog posts, Tweet alerts; and do it more than once.

Don’t forget your audience is global, so reaching them with Tweets about your most recent blog posts sometimes means sending several alerts. As you blog, be sure to add the Tweet button directly to your posts. The practice makes it easier for readers to share your content with members of their circles, expanding your reach well beyond your own network.

Remember, inaction is the default setting for most readers, so don’t be shy about pushing them into doing something. Ask readers to share your content if they like it, rather than relying on them to act on their own accord.


Once perceived as strictly a business connection platform, LinkedIn is a perfect place to promote your new blog content. Include more than just a link to your blog; the practice is seen as mailing it in, and won’t necessarily drive traffic to your site.

As you post updates, set your blog articles apart by providing a brief synopsis about each post. Images are also effective for capturing attention; and readers.

Just as they add interest to your blog posts, pictures tell stories to interested readers picking-up social media updates about your most recent posts.


Using Facebook to promote your blog starts with your profile page, which should be crafted to reflect your blog niche and promotional goals. When tying your blog to your Facebook presence, it’s important to protect your image, sharing only photos and other content that supports your professional persona.

In addition to building networks of friends, successful bloggers create groups and even dedicated Facebook pages for their blogs. For the best returns, keep your Facebook updates balanced with personal information and blog promotion, remaining active on your account to pique interest.


To promote your brand using Pinterest, create a board there for your blog, and pin each of your recent posts. Use interesting images to support your themes, and let momentum grow organically as others re-Pin your images and descriptions.


Some of the same strategies used on other social media sites stimulate similar boosts to blog traffic when used on tumblr. Relationships with other users, for example, are as essential here as with other platforms. Tagging posts is an essential tumblr strategy, allowing you to identify categories you speak to with your posts.

For the best results, tag your posts with several unique designations. Liking other content is also important, creating a two-way exchange for growing mutual interests.

Social media sites continue to grow as blog promotion tools, including specialized social media niche sites and major platforms like Twitter and Facebook. Successful bloggers use a light -handed but thorough social media presence to grow interest organically and steer increased traffic to blogs.

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