Hangouts by Google for iOS Is Just like WhatsApp for Any Other Device

On Last Thursday Google has given its new app Hangouts for iOS devices which is similar to that of any other messaging application. This is taken as a complete fix for the iOS users.


The new apps that has been defined for iOS includes tabs at the bottom of the phone screen showing the categories like Favorites, hangouts, contacts and other related messaging applications. You will also find the tab buttons for Facebook messenger and WhatsApp.

This new version of Hangouts includes some special features that are available in the rival messaging apps like sending the videos, location, images, stickers etc. When these messaging apps were introduced, users were only allowed to send the photographs but hangouts support video calls, images and lots more from the very beginning.

This new application named Hangouts is also well optimized for iPad and includes two panes which means that you can chat on one side of the screen while scrolling down the list of the contacts or the existing hangouts that are present on the other side. The old version of this application allowed only one screen and did not provide tabs at the bottom.

These changes which are done now including the location feature were already present for Android users and it has been made available for iOS users now. The look and the feel of both the apps is different on the different platforms.

Hangouts count to be one of the major changes in the iOS and it reflects the increased expectations that mobile users have with their messaging applications. Messaging apps are the applications that are in much use these days. People do not like calling instead they love typing long messages.

Messaging apps has always been at the great attention. Hangouts is the most awaited update for iOS users. Google has planned it very right as messaging is the feature of the present moment in the community and it is at the great height after the acquisition of Facebook-WhatsApp.

According to Frank Petterson from Google, the application has been updated and this will now share some of the designing languages given in iOS 7. According to Frank Petterson it is very easy to navigate. Keeping the new look and feel of the application there are a number of new features that has been introduced to the iOS version along with a number of improvements.

The use of this Google hangout could be very frequent for iOS users and if you are a frequent Google hangouts user, either for chatting or for any video conferencing, you would like to learn the update for the application that has been announced.

The question to be asked is Will Google be able to pick up the load of billions of new hangout users on iOS from this new design. A significant bump will appear definitely. But for those who like to use Google’s services on Apple products, this is the most amazing app for them making the android users envy.  Google hangouts will definitely rock and people would love it.

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